prepared to accept a less sum than £1500. Gilchrist & Secy stated that he had no reply (Celtic) Macfarlane from the club re these players. Troup & Cowan Secy reported that the club were now (Dundee) prepared to part with these players now & price required was £3000 for latter. Decided to offer £1500, but to take no action re former. Bootle & Dist. League It was decided to arrange for our A & team to play benefit matches with these Mersey Ironworks teams on Boxing Day & New Years day. Central League Secy reported that G W Jones had been v selected to play in this match on 6th Jany. Southern Leagues) Permission granted subject to his services not being required by 1st team. Special Training Decided to accept the offer of Cleveleys Hydro for players to stay there from 1st to 6th Jany. Messrs E Green & H Banks (Directors) & H Makepeace were appointed to accompany the players & the arrangements for food to be left in their hands. The players to go to be selected later. Donations It was decided to grant the following donations viz. £2.2.0 to Bootle Poor Childrens Xmas Treat £2.2.0 " Everton do do £2.2.0 " St Helens Juvenile Organisation F League £0.10.0 " W Davies (Old Swan FC) Benefit Use of Ground An application from Harland & Wolff's FC for use of ground on last Saturday in April was left over. Billiard Room Estimates for laying linoleum were gone into & it was decided to accept that of J & R Smith for £23.6.0. Also decided that H Makepeace be in charge of room when completed.