Chesterfield F.C. 	Secy reported that this Club had
		asked for extension of time to pay Bill of £375
		but he had informed them no extension could
		be granted. They had sent Cheque for the amount
		but it was decided to claim the interest due
		viz. £12.3.6.

Central League		It was decided to entertain the Management
		Committee to tea on the 13th inst.

Match v St Francis) 	Secy reported that he had obtained
Xaviers College) the necessary permission to play this match.

W Kirkby F.C.		Secy reported that this Club had given
		us 14 days notice to approach our player Spicer.

Boylen (Lincoln City) 	Letter read asking for our best offer
		for this player. Decided to make no offer
		at present.

Cricket Pitches		The offer of Wilson & Co. of £20 for
		use of the A team ground for cricket for
		next Summer was accepted.

Players on Transfer 	Lists of Players on transfer were gone
		through & no action taken except to enquire
		where Wightman (Derby County) would be playing.

Harland			This player was granted leave of
		absence from after match on Sat until Tuesday
		night 12th inst

Special Training 	Decided to take 1st team to W Kirby
		on Friday next. Mr H Banks to accompany
		them & Secy to make necessary arrangements.
		Secy was also instructed to enquire if the
		Cleveleys Hydro could accommodate us from
		1st to 6th Jany.

St Johns Ambulance 	It was decided to grant 17 tickets
		to this Ambulance for admission for duty to matches.

Indemnity re Shares 	Decided to issue Script in lieu
		of that lost by the late J. P. Donoghue.