Wanderers. Decided to leave arrangement in hands of Secy. Barcelona FC Letters read asking for an exchange of 15 badges. This was agreed to. S. African Dinner The action of Chairman in inviting the President & Secy of L'pool County FA to this function was confirmed. Players to watch J Fare to watch Richardson (Huddersfield) D Kirkwood do Weaver (Burnley) H Makepeace do Wynn (Bradford City) Next Meeting At Goodison Park on Wed 3rd Decr after match v S. Africans. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman Meeting 27th Novr Contd. Next Meeting At Goodison Park on Wednesday 3rd Decr at 5 pm. Medical Officer It was decided to place the question of this officers duties on Agenda for next meeting. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman