Parry, Miller, Ford, Dodd & Alford Director to Derby Mr W. C. Gibbins. Parkes (Rochdale) The Chairman reported that as the Secy had ascertained that this player was 31 yrs of age, he had done nothing re minute passed at last meeting. Action confirmed. J Sharp Reports re Players Messrs A R Wade & reported New Brighton v Coventry favorably on Alton (RH) & Dougall (OR) of Coventry City & Niven (RB) & J Reid (CH) of New Brighton. Glancy (Falkirk) Mr J Fare reported very favorably on this player & it was decided that a deputation consisting of the Chairman Messrs A Coffey, A R Wade & J Sharp proceed to Scotland to watch him play on Sat next & if satisfied to have full powers to sign him on. Gilchrist (Celtic) Mr J Fare stated that he had seen Mr Maley who would let us know if they were prepared to part with this player. Scott(Larkhall) Mr J Craig reported unfavorably on this player. McCormick (Brantwood) Mr H Makepeace reported unfavorably on this player. Brown & McDevitt Secy reported the former player not (Belfast United) good enough for us at present & also that the latter had not played too well as centre half but that Cartnell (OR) & Morrison (CF) were promising & may be got for a trial later on. Fishwick Mr J McGill reported favorably on this (Chorley) player. Secy. was instructed to find out his age. Hurst & Freeman Mr W Green reported that he could not (Leyland) recommend these players. Martin (Aberdare) Mr D Kirkwood reported that this player was not good enough for us but that Navin (RH.) was very promising.