reprimanded & urged to give better attention to club duties in future. J. Weir Letter read from this players parents agreeing to operation. Dr. Baxter was asked to make the necessary arrangements for same. A. Grenyer Letter read from this player that he was now prepared to re-sign. Ex-Soldiers Compy Ticket A Complimentary ticket was granted to T. J. Eaton (Blind Ex-Soldier). Central League} The L'pool F. C. having asked that the Match v L'pool} gates in C. L. matches be pooled, same was agreed to. Letters of Thanks Letters were read from the Various Institutions thanking Club for donations from Practice matches. N. L'pool YMCA Agreed to grant a donation of £2.2.0 to this Institution. D. Reid This player was granted leave of absence from Sat. evening 20th inst. until Tuesday night 23rd inst. Bullens Rd. Stand Mr. H. Banks was given authority to have Roof this roof repaired. R. Downs Secy. reported that Football League had approved of the payment of £96 to this player. Player Recommended Lawler (C. G.) South Bank. J. Atkinson decd. Secy. was instructed to send letter with Vote of Condolence to Widow & family of this deceased. The Chairman & Dr. J. C. Baxter spoke with reference to his work as a Director of the Club in the 90's. Next Meeting Tuesday 23rd inst. at Goodison Park at 6.30 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.