Tram Bills		Secy. reported that the Tramways Committee
		had ordered that these must now be printed on
		cardboard & hung in the Cars & that the matter
		had been put in hand.

Complementary}		Agreed to grant tickets for the Press
Tickets	     }	Stand to J. E. Wilson (Courier) & H. S. Jones (Spellow Lane).

N. H. Insurance		Letter read from R. Wright (gateman) asking
re Gatemen	if we would stamp his Card. Secy. was
		instructed to enquire from the Authorities as
		to our position in this matter & act accordingly.

Band			Letter read from J. Leadbetter re this matter
		allowed to lie on the table.

New Jerseys		Secy. was instructed to have one of the
		white jerseys brought up to office for inspection
		on Sat. next.

Wilkinson (Goalkeeper)	Secy. was asked to make some enquiries
		as to this player's character.

Next Meeting		Agreed that next meeting be held at
		Goodison Park on Thursday 11th inst. at 4.30 pm.

					Confirmed as correct
						W. C. Cuff