Official Photograph	It was decided to have a photograph
		of the Directors, Players & Staff taken by the
		Carbonara Co. on Thursday 11th inst. at 4.30 pm.

C. L. match v L'pool	Secy. reported that the L'pool F. C. had
		approached him relative to postponing C. L. match
		on Oct. 8th to enable them to play Derby County
		& that should both ourselves & them be drawn away
		in 1st round of F. A. Cup. We play postponed match
		then & pool gates, but if this is not possible
		the match to be played on a Wednesday, each
		club to take their own gates. This was agreed to.

Crewe Ex-Service Men	An application from these men to book
		50 or 60 Seats in the 2/- stand {for S'land match} was agreed to.

Practice Match		The Secy. reported that the total receipts
Receipts	amounted to £685, and it was decided to
		dispose of them as follows:-
		Stanley Hospital 		£251.11.10	Women's Hospital Shaw St	£15.10.0
		Hospital Saturday Fund 		£251.11. 9	New Maternity Home 		£15.10.0
		Nat'l Institute for Blind 	£ 22.12. 6	Nat'l Lifeboat Institn. 	£10.12.6
		L'pool Child Welfare Asso'n 	£ 22.12. 6	St. Johns Ambulance 		£10.10.0
		do Home for Incurables 		£ 22.12. 6	Lancs. F. A. Benevolent Fd. 	£10. 0.0
		Bootle Borough Hospital 	£ 22.12. 5	L'pool County do 		£10. 0.0
		W. Lancs. Assoc'n Mental Welfare£ 19. 4. 0

McBain X-Ray		Copy of the X-Ray photo & a report from
		Dr. Mather re this players ankle was received.

A. Grenyer		Further letter read from this player.
		Decided he must re-sign before any discussion
		as to his position is entertained.

S. Gracey		Letter read from this man resigning his
		position as Office Entrance Steward. Secy. instructed
		to accept same & thank him for past services.

Flintshire Hospital	An application from this Institution for
		a donation or match at Holywell was not