			[Special Meeting of Directors held
			at Goodison Park on Monday 18th
			Augt 1924]

		Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E Green, H Banks,
			W J Sawyer, W. C. Gibbins & A R Wade.

Prices for Admission	The Chairman reported the result of our
		meeting with the Lpool FC re this matter and
		it was agreed that the charge for admission
		for Boys to League matches be 4d., but that the
		charge for admission after half time remain
		at 5d.

Playing Pitch		The Secy was instructed to write the Press
		calling attention to the crossing of the pitch
		by boys after matches and pointing out that
		unless this was discontinued it may be
		found advisable to close the boy's gate.

Makepeace		This official was granted permission
		to play for Lancashire until Sept 6th & to commence
		his duties with us on Sept 8th.

Mangnall Benefit	The Chairman reported that Mr E Mangnall
		had approached both himself & the Lpool FC
		as to our agreeing to a combined team of
		the two clubs playing a combined team of
		the M/c City & United Clubs at M/c on 10th Sept
		for his benefit. It was reported that Lpool
		were willing to do so & it was decided that we
		agree to the proposal, the selection of the team
		to be left in hands of Chairman & Secy of each club.

Team for Practice match	on 23rd Augt. Kendall for Harland & Stephenson for Kendall
		remainder came as tonight.

						Confirmed as correct
							W. C. Cuff