received quotations for advertising our league matches at 3/- per line. This was accepted. Booking Seats It was decided to again book seats at Mr J Sharp's for Block F. Goodison Rd Stand. E. J. Rimmer This player having applied to have his registration for us cancelled, it was agreed to do so. Share Certificate A form of indemnity re lost certificates of shares held by P. T. Edwards it was agreed to issue new ones. McBain & Troup Dr Broad's report on these players was read. Furniture Removal D Raitt applied for cost of removing his furniture from Dundee. Decided to agree to do so subject to consent of F.L. Peacock's Benefit An application was received from this player for an advance for his benefit money of £200. Secy was instructed to look at certain correspondence on the matter & bring same forward at next full meeting. R E Blundell An application from this old shareholder & Gateman for a pension was not entertained. Insurances Secy went through list of insurances & his action in insuring against Burglary Fire up to £900 was approved. It was also decided to insure the Boilers for £1000 each. Glazing Tenders were opened from J Lewis Ld. £9 & Scott & Co £10.5.0. The former was accepted. H Makepeace It was decided to re-engage this official at Directors pleasure at £6 per week during Season his duties to be gone into & decided at next meeting. Donation Agreed to give £10 to Poor Kiddies Outing Fund. Next Meeting At G.P on Monday 25th inst after practice match. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman