Prices of Admission The question of admission price for for Boys boys at League matches was considered & it see next was agreed to let same remain at 5d & the meeting matter to be discussed with the Liverpool FC. Kick off Times The K.O on Wednesdays was fixed as follows Sept 3rd at 6 pm remainder at 3. Travelling ) It was agreed the travelling arrangements Arrangements) be carried on through Thos Cook & Sons as last season. A Grenyer Correspondence read with this player. Decided not to release him. Quantrill An application from this player for an engagement was not entertained. Picnic The arrangements re travelling & meals was submitted by the Secy & approved. It was decided to have a Charabanc Tour in the afternoon to Carnarvon. Secy instructed to have itineraries printed. T. Fern This player's application for permission to train on the ground was not entertained. FA. Australian Tour A letter from the F.A. asking if we were prepared to release any players for this Tour was deferred until a later meeting. S Chedgzoy Secy reported that this player was a week late in reporting for training. It was decided that he appear before the Board at their meeting on the 25th inst. Photograph The Allied Newspapers Ld were granted permission to take a photo of the 1st team on Aug 18th or Sept 6th and it was decided that WCC photos of Directors the players & Staff be taken each year & to be hung in the offices. Advertising Matches The Secy stated that he had been in communication with the Echo & Express and had