			[Meeting of the Stores Committee
			held at Goodison Park on Wed 6th Augt 1924]

		Present	Messrs W. C. Gibbins & H Banks

Outfits &c		Samples & prices were submitted by J. Sharp,
		Manfield & Sons & Diamond Sports Co & it
		was decided that orders be placed as follows
		Goal Nets & Footballs (½ supply) Diamond Sports Co.
		Football Boots	-	Manfield & Son
		Training pants, Shinguards, ½ supply Footballs
		Running Pumps, Splits, Gym Shoes & 2 Green
		Sweaters from J. Sharp.
		Medical Stores - Ayrton Saunders & Co.
		Whisky from R D Kent & Griffiths McAlister & Co
				& Sykes & Co.
		Port Wine from Standish & Co.
		Samples of Towels from G H Lee & H Gilding.

						Confirmed as Correct
							W. C. Cuff