[Meeting of Directors held at the Exchange Station Hotel Liverpool on Tuesday 1st July 1924] Present Mr W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr J. Sharp. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 30th May & Annual General Meeting held on the 13th ult were read & confirmed. Election of Chairman) Mr W. C. Cuff was re-elected Chairman & Mr & Vice Chairman)E Green Vice Chairman & both gentlemen duly returned thanks for their re-election. Committees The following Committees were appointed Finance Messrs W J Sawyer, A. Coffey, A R Wade & W C Gibbins Ground H Banks, A R Wade, J Sharp & Dr J C Baxter Stores W. C. Gibbins, A Coffey & H Banks. D. Bain The Secy reported that this player had been signed on at a fee of £1000 from M/c United at wages of £6 per week with £1 extra in 1st Team & signing on bonus of £10. This was confirmed. E. J. Rimmer A deputation from the Wrexham FC attended & asked for the services of this player. They were granted permission to sign him provided they were willing at our request, to re-transfer him to us provided they had notice before 1st April. Victoria Hospital An application for us to play in a match for the benefit of the funds of this hospital was not entertained. Troup & McBain Secy reported that these two players had come through to Lpool to the examined & reported on by Dr Broad as to their fitness.