league gates the balance sheet & report were, on the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr E Green unanimously adopted. Dividend Mr W. J. Sawyer proposed & Mr J Comus seconded that a dividend of 5% free of Income Tax on the paid up capital of the Company for the year ending 3rd May 1924 be paid & this was carried. Election of Directors No nominations having been received the Chairman declared Messrs A Coffey, J Sharp & himself duly re-elected & the Chairman thanked the shareholders on his own & his colleagues behalf. Auditors Election Mr C. Wright proposed & Mr W J Minto secd. that Messrs Theodore Rogers Bowler & Co be re-elected Auditors and that the fee be Sixty Guineas. New Stand The Chairman stated that the erection of the new stand had been postponed & asked for the Shareholders renewal of their authority to proceed with same in the future which was duly given. Players Signed The Secretary read a list of the Professional Players which had been signed on for the forthcoming season. Vote of Thanks On the proposition of Mr A McNicoll seconded by Mr J Comus a hearty Vote of thanks was accorded the Directors for their services during the past season & this was unanimously carried. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman