		with £1 extra when in 1st Team. Transfer fee to be
		paid to New Brighton FC of £750 & also a match
		with our CL team on their ground.
			These two signings were confirmed.

Continental Tour	The Secy reported & presented a statement
		of a/cs for this amounting to £1009 & these
		were approved. The Chairman gave a report
		of the Tour & stated that same had been very
		satisfactory having beaten Barcelona FC 2-1
		lost against same team 1-2 & beaten N'cle
		United 3-2 for which we had received a Cup.

League Fixtures		These fixtures as made up to the present
& CL	do	were gone through & approved.

Football League		Secy reported this match was likely to
Scottish League	be fixed for our ground on Mar 14th & it was
		decided to offer the ground & re-arrange League
		match v M/C City.

FA Council		It was decided to nominate H Hughes
		for this Division but the question of the re-arrangement
		of Clubs in this Division be gone into & put
		on the Agenda for a future meeting.

Wrexham FC		Letter read from this club re our player
		Rimmer. Decided to give them permission to
		sign him on same conditions as they had
		signed on Jackson.

Lpool Organisation	An application from this Organisation
		for a donation was not entertained.

Bovril Ld		Agreed to grant this firm the same
		rights & privileges as last season at rental
		of £16.

Wedding Presents	Secy reported that the League had granted
		necessary permission to make Hart & Troup
		Wedding presents.