Transfer of Shares The transfer of the following shares was approved Annie Hartley 3 P P Shares Nod 1804-1806 to Wm E Smith. Linfield F.C It was decided to offer this club a match on our ground on a Wednesday later on in season on half net gate terms the actual date to be fixed later on. Mersey Operatic) An application from this Society to Society) advertise their performances on our ground was not agreed to. Sub Captain S Chedgzoy was appointed to this position for present season. Cricket Pitches It was decided that we were prepared to receive applications & offers for pitches on our ground in Townsend Lane. Players on Transfer Lists of players on transfer were gone through & it was decided to ask prices required for Lockhead (M/c U) & Martin (Aberdare) & where they could be seen playing. Centre Half Backs Secy was instructed to take out names of probable players in 3rd Division & suggest one to be watched. Players to watch Messrs W J Sawyer & D Kirkwood to watch Hardy (S Shield) " A. R. Wade & W C Gibbins do Fishwick (Chorley) " A Coffey & Secy to watch replay Crewe v New Brighton " J Fare to watch a centre half to be agreed upon Secy do Tarrant (Hoylake) " W Green do Welsh Trial match at Bangor Fixture v Northern) Secys action in fixing this match Nomads ) for Decr 13th was confirmed. Alford Cardiff City having made indirect enquiries it was left to Chairman to suggest an exchange for Len Davies Next Meeting Tuesday next 28th inst 6.30 at ground. Confirmed W. C. Cuff Chairman