[Meeting of Directors held at the Exchange Station Hotel on Thursday 1st May 1924] Present Mr W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Dr J. C. Baxter. Houghton Secy reported that this player would not accept terms offered. Decided to amend same to £2 Summer & £3 Playing Season. McBain & Grenyer Secy reported that these two players had not yet re-signed. He was instructed to report them to the F.A. Cresswell Messrs J Sharp & Secy gave a report of their interview with Mr A Kyle in which he stated transfer fee for this player would be £5000. The Board decided they would not go up to £4000 & Secy was instructed to write the S'land club asking for absolute lowest fee. Hargreaves (Oldham) Secy stated that this player was likely to be transferred. Decided that the Chairman & Mr A R Wade proceed to Oldham on Sat to watch him play & if satisfied to have full powers. Photograph At the request of the reserve team it was decided to have a photo taken of them with Lpool Cup & to give each player a copy. T. Fern This ex-player having applied for a loan it was decided to grant him £25. Absence on Continent Secy reported that he had informed the FA & FL that Mr J Fare would sign all registrations & transfer forms, same as 2 years ago Whilst club were on Tour. This was confirmed & it was also agreed that the business of the Company be carried on by the Directors left