Reports re Players Mr J Fare reported that he scarcely considered Hunter (Falkirk) this player fast enough for us. Johnson & Cook Mr H Makepeace reported that he was not (Huddersfield) impressed with Johnson but that Cook had again played very well. Cooke & Fishwick Mr W J Wallace gave a favorable report (Plymouth) of these players. 28 Gwladys St An application from the tenant (Madden) for permission to fix wireless pulley on the North Stand was refused. Livingstone Letter read from FA with report re this player's conduct v N'cle United. Football Insurance This question was gone into & it was decided to suggest to the President of the League that the percentage be calculated on net admissions only. Central League Circular read re the proposed formation of a Second Divn. Decided to inform the Secy that we were not in favour. Donations Decided to grant £2.2.0 to Joliffe Fund & £1.1.0 to Railway Benevolent Fund. Players & officials It was decided that the party to Spain to Spain comprise Messrs W C Cuff, H Banks, A Coffey & W C Gibbins (Directors) Harland, Raitt, Livingstone, Macdonald (if resigned), Brown, McBain or Peacock, Reid, Hart, Parry, Irvine, Cock, Williams, Chadwick & Troup with H Cooke (Trainer) & Secy. Kendall The action of the Directors in agreeing to pay £1250 for this players transfer from Lincoln City was confirmed. Secy to make arrangements to sign him on. War Loan It was decided not to convert our present issue of War Loan to 4½% Bootle Borough FC An application from this club for us to play a further match in aid of their Funds was not entertained.