Director to Sheffield Mr W. C. Gibbins. McBain Secy reported that this player had asked if the Directors would put him on the transfer list. Decided he attend the next meeting. Arrangements v It was agreed to travel on the evening Tottenham & Arsenal before & return day following these matches & to stay at Grand Hotel. Match v Wigan Boro It was agreed to play this match at Wigan on Monday Apl 14th. Linfield F.C. Letter read asking for guarantee for Apl 30th. Decided not to offer one. Reports re Players H Makepeace did not report too favorably Johnson (Huddersfield) on this player but stated that Cook had played very well. McCloy (Ayr U) J Fare reported that he did not consider this player any improvement on the backs we have. Holcroft (Stourbridge) D Kirkwood reported that neither of Jones (Courtalds) these players were of the standard required. Bunting (Boston) R Downs reported very favorably on this goalkeeper & also of Billson (left half) Billson (Scunthorpe) of Scunthorpe. Kendall (Lincoln) Messrs W. J. Sawyer & W C Gibbins reported very favorably on this goalkeeper & it was decided that Mr Sawyer & the Secy proceed to Lincoln with powers to sign him on up to £1000. Lpool Civic Week The Chairman reported that the Lord Mayor had agreed to give a minimum guarantee of £65 each to our club & Lpool FC for proposed match at Wembley on Sept 24th. Secy was instructed to make arrangements for the whole party to stay at the Grand Hotel. Applications for Application from Lpool Boy Scouts, Orwell Donations Wed F.C. & Lpool Seamens Friend Society were deferred until next meeting.