Wigan War Memorial	Letters read from Town Clerk of Wigan
		asking if we would play match at Wigan v
		Wigan Boro in aid of funds for War Memorial. It
		was agreed to do.

Glentoran F.C.		It was decided to play this club a
		friendly match here on May 3rd on Cup Tie terms
		but a further application for us to play match on
		their ground on Easter Wednesday was not entertained.

Spanish Tour		Secy read letter from Mr Gamper on behalf
		of the Real Madrid FC making a counter offer of
		£400. Decided not to accept this & not to continue
		negotiations further.
			Secy also reported receipt of further quotations
		& it was decided to leave the matter in the hands of
		a sub committee consisting of the Chairman, Messrs H.
		Banks, W C Gibbins & Secy to deal with & report.
		The Chairman & Messrs H Banks & W C Gibbins stated they
		would accompany the team on Tour.

Use of Ground		The use of G.P. was granted for the following
		matches viz Lpool Wed League Cup replayed final
		on Wed Apl 9th, Lancashire Amateur Cup & Secondary
		Schools Everton Shield Final on dates to be arranged.

Advertisements		Secy reported that prices for newspaper advts
		had increased & that he was in touch with the
		Echo & Express on the matter. Agreed to let matter
		stand for present season.

Lpool Civic Week	It was agreed that the Directors take their
		Wives to London at expense of club also that Secy
		endeavour to fix up rooms at the Waldorf Hotel
		for Directors their Wives & players. Chairman deputed to attend
		a meeting with Lord Mayor tomorrow.

Grand National		It was decided to take the players (other
		than those going to Cardiff) & Staff to Grand National
		& Directors E Green, H Banks, W C Gibbins & A R Wade.