the former for an amended one. Fleming (St Johnstone) Letter read from Club that they were not prepared to part with this player at present. Reports re Players Mr J Fare gave a favorable report on this Neil (Brighton) player's display v Merthyr. Decided to ask club if they were prepared to part with him. Peterson (Dunfermline) Mr D Kirkwood did not report too favorably re this goalkeeper. Purcell (Stockport) He reported that this player had shown good form v Wallasey United. Irish v Scotch Mr H Makepeace reported favorably on Juniors the following players viz Wilson (RH.), Sloan (LH) & Moore (IR) of the Irish team & Warden (L.B) & Barclay (OL) of the Scotch team. I.R. (Rotherham T) R Downs reported very favorably on this player & it was decide he be seen again. Grand National It was decided to take the players to the Grand National on 28th inst, both teams if our match v Cardiff City on 29th was postponed & the Reserve players otherwise the Secy to make the necessary arrangements with the New Brighton Motor Coach Co at 30/- per head. Use of Ground It was agreed to grant the use of G.P. to the Lpool Wed League for Cup Final on 12th inst & the Lpool C of E. League use of same on Sat. evening in April for one of their finals. Ireland v Wales It was agreed to release Harland & Irvine for this match on 15th inst if selected, provided they were anxious to play. Pape (Notts C) Secys action in writing Club that we were not prepared to make a bid for this player was confirmed. Downs This player having asked what the Directors intended to do with him for next season