Spanish Tour		Further quotations having been received
		from Thos Cook & Son, it was decided to discuss
		same fully next week & in the meantime Mr A R Wade
		was deputed to make enquiries re various hotels.

Reports re Players	J Fare again reported very favorably on this
Fleming (St Johnston) player, but stated that the club were not prepared
		to part at present.

Walsall Players		D Kirkwood reported that none of these
		players were good enough for us.

Crewe Players		H Makepeace gave a similar report re
		these players.

Lpool County Cup	Letter read from Lpool County F.A. asking if
		we would play replayed tie v Lpool on Mar 8th.
		Decided not to entertain the proposal.

Catholic Schools FA.	It was decided to grant the use of
		G.P to this Assocn for their Final Tie on Wed.
		16th April.

Masseur's Engagement	It was agreed to pay the Masseur 5/-
		for each extra visit to attend injured players.

Irish FA.		Letter read asking if we would release
		Irvine & Harland for match v Wales on 15th Mar.
		Agreed to do so.

Vacant Dates		It was decided not to arrange matches
		for Vacant Saturdays for 1st team.

England v Wales		Secy reported that S Chedgzoy had been
		selected to play in this match at Blackburn
		on Mar 3rd. Decided that Chairman & Mr A R Wade
		attend the match.

Donations		Applications for donations from Glentoran FC
		& St Helens Juvenile Assocn were not entertained.

England v Scotland	Secy was instructed to purchase 12 £1/1/
		tickets for this match on Apl 18th.

England v Ireland	Secy's action in offering our ground for
1924-5		this match was confirmed.