Morris (Prescot) Mr W Green reported that this player was hardly of the standard required by us. J. Macdonald This player was granted leave of absence from after match on Sat next until Tuesday night 21st inst. Martin (Portsmouth) Secy reported that this player was on offer. Decided that the Chairman & Messrs E. Green & H Makepeace watch him play on Saturday next & if satisfied have powers to deal. Donations Decided to grant a donation of £2.2.0 to Walton Nursing Institution. Use of Ground Decided to grant use of ground for L'pool Hospital Cup Final on 29th inst. Players Billiard It was decided to take the table Room) from Directors room & have same fixed in the players room & it was left in the hands of Mr Banks to have the necessary alterations carried out. Tramway Services Secy gave a report on the interview he had had in conjunction with the Lpool FC regarding additional tram services for our matches & same was approved. Linfield FC An application from this club for a match was deferred until next meeting. Sub Captain The question of appointing a sub-capt was left over until next meeting. Weller The Chesterfield FC having applied for this player, it was decided to ask a fee of £500 clear & the question of the terms of transfer were left in hands of Chairman. Golf It was decided to purchase 6 sets of golf clubs for use of players & H. Makepeace was deputed to arrange for the players