Cannock Players J Fare reported that the OL & LH were not good enough for us. Darfield Players R Downs gave a similar report re these players. Halifax Town v M/c City D Kirkwood & H Makepeace reported that they were not impressed with any of these players. N/cle U v Derby C The Secy gave a similar report on this match. Cawthrow (Leyland) Mr W Green reported that this goalkeeper was promising & should be seen again. Madrid F.C. An application from the Real Madrid F.C. to play 2 matches there in May was not entertained. Natl Institute for Blind It was agreed to allow a collection to be made on the ground in aid of this Institution, the date to be agreed with Secy. League Minutes Minutes read re proposed percentage for Insurance of Players, also re granting maximum wages to Irvine & Chadwick. F.A. Cup Semi Final Secys action in offering our ground for one of the Semi Finals provided Liverpool were away was confirmed. Scotland v Wales Permission was granted for N. McBain to play in this match on the 16th inst. Irish F.A. An application from this Association for us to release Irvine & Harland for the match v Scotland on 1st prox was agreed to provided they were definitely selected to play. J & G Carr (Mbro) Secy reported that he had heard these players were likely to be transferred. Decided to ask prices required. Curran (Glenavon) An offer of this player to play a month's trial & if satisfactory transfer fee to be £1000 was not entertained. Bullock (Bury) Secy stated that the Bury FC were to consider the question of transferring this player.