			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Exchange Station Hotel Liverpool
			on Tuesday 29th Jany. 1924]

		Present	Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
				except Dr. J. C. Baxter.

Minutes			The Minutes of meeting held on the
		22nd inst. were read & confirmed.

Finance			The gate v Oldham Ath. Res. was reported
		to be £75.10.8 gross	Tax £18.17.4.

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		Middlesbro 1-1 & Oldham Res. 1-0.

Doctors & Trainers	Dr. C. Baxter & Trainer Elliott reported that
Report		Chedgzoy & Hart were doubtful for Saturday.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected
		v Brighton & Hove (a) E. C.
		Harland, Macdonald, Livingstone, Brown, McBain, Hart,
		Chedgzoy, Irvine, Cock, Chadwick, Troup. Res. Peacock.
		If Chedgzoy not fit Parry to play.
		v M/c United Res.
		Fern, Raitt, Kerr, Rooney, Reid, Virr, Parry, Wall,
		Forbes, Williams, Harland. Res. Miller.
		v Skelmersdale Mission
			Left to Staff.

Directors to Brighton	All except Dr. Baxter & Mr. A. R. Wade.

Checkers to Brighton	J. Fare & E. Storey.

Reports re Players	Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave a fairly good report
Cousins (Southport) on this player & suggested he be seen again.

Birks (Port Vale)	H. Makepeace reported very favorably
		on this player but it was decided to allow
		same to stand over for the present.

Watson (Northampton)	J. Fare reported that he was not too
		favorably impressed with this player, but