Arrangements for The following arrangements were made for Brighton this journey viz. Dept. L'pool (Friday) 2 pm., arr. Easton 6 pm., stay at Russell Hotel, Dep. Victoria (Saturday) 11 am., arr. Brighton 12 noon. Lunch & Tea at Royal York Hotel & return to London in evening. Return to L'pool on Sunday 12.30 pm. Cup Replay In the event of our playing a draw & L'pool doing likewise it was decided to toss the L'pool club for choice of date & if successful to take Wed. 6th prox. Postponed Match Referring to minute of last meeting, it v Preston N. E. was decided to play on Feby. 6th providing L'pool were not re-playing their Cup tie on that date. L'pool Schools F.A. The Secy.'s action in granting their Assocn. the use of our A team ground on 26th inst. was confirmed. McGrae Secy. reported that he had been in negotiations with the Chester & Wrexham clubs re taking this player but he had refused to go. Players to watch J. Fare to watch Watson (Northampton). H. Makepeace do Birks (Port Vale). D. Kirkwood do Forsyth & Wallace (Bathgate). Mr. W. C. Gibbins do Cousins (Southport). Next Meeting To be held at Exchange Station Hotel on Wed. 30th inst. at 6.30 pm. Tea at 5.30 pm. Confirmed W. C. Cuff Chairman