Reports re Players	Messrs A. Coffey & J. Sharp gave a fair report
Baugh (Wolves)	on this player.

Halifax v Northampton	Mr. A. Coffey reported favorably on the play
		of Watson (R. B.) of Northampton & Parkin (L. H.) of Halifax
		& suggested the former be seen again.

Birks (Port Vale)	The Secy. & J. Fare gave a favorable report
Crown (S. Shields) on the former, but reported that in their opinion
		the latter was not good enough for us.

Kerr (Luton)		J. Fare reported that he was not impressed
		with this player v Gillingham & Secy. stated that
		the fee asked was £2500. Decided to take no further
		action at present.

Runcorn & Chester	Secy. reported that none of the players
		in this match were good enough for us.

Dean (Tranmere R.)	H. Makepeace reported that this player
		was promising & should be seen again later on.

Downs			Secy. reported conversation he had had
		with the L'pool club. It was decided to accept
		a minimum fee of £700 for his transfer.

Weller			It was agreed that in the event of this
		player being transferred, he be granted a sum
		of £100 as accrued share of benefit subject to
		the consent of the Football League.

W. Green		Secy. reported that this player had been
		awarded £5 from the County F.A. Benevolent Fund.

Weaver (Burnley)	Letter read from Burnley F. C. that they
		would be prepared to transfer this player after
		the Cup ties.

Rigg (Nelson)		Letter read that club were now prepared
		to transfer this player. No action taken.

Spanish Tour		Letter read from Mr. N. Godfrey re
		terms for this proposed Tour.

Players on Transfer	Lists of players on transfer by L'pool,
		Grinsby Town & Bristol City clubs read but no action