			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Goodison Park Liverpool on
			Tuesday 14th November 1922]

		Present Mr W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr A. Coffey.

Minutes			The Minutes of meeting held on the
		7th inst were read & confirmed.

Finance			The gate receipts v Bradford City Res
		were reported to be £82.16.2 gross Tax £20.13.11
		& v New Brighton Res    £1.17.11.
		 	Bank Balance £5266.11.0. Dr
		Cheques were signed for the following :-
		Collector of Customs & Excise	Enterts Tax  £20.19.11
		T. H. McIntosh	Wages & Expenses	     £350.0.0
Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		Arsenal 2-1, Bradford City Res 2-0 & N. Brighton Res. 0-3.

Players Billiard	It was decided to grant a donation
Handicap	of £5.5.0 for prizes in this Xmas handicap
		an application for same to be increased being
		not entertained

Doctors & Trainers)	The Doctor & Trainer reported the whole
Report	)	of the players fit except Forbes & Salt.

Team Selections		The Capt (H Hart) attended and after
		an exchange of opinions on various matters
		the following teams were selected:-

		v W. Bromwich Albion (a)
		Harland, Raitt, Macdonald, Peacock, Fleetwood,
		Hart, Chedgzoy, Irvine, Chadwick, Williams & Reid
		Res Weller.

		v W Bromwich Albion Res (h)
		Fern, Downs, Livingstone, Brown, Wall, Grenyer,
		Parry, Miller, Virr, Young & Harrison. Res. Alford.