decided to apply to the League for permission to pay him £650 as accrued benefit. Benefit for It was decided to rescind the minute W. Brown of 21st Augt. last and to apply for a benefit of £650 for this player. Limitation of The Minute of the F. League asking for Transfer Fees opinions on this question was gone into and in our opinion it was decided that ^ the time had not arrived when it was advisable to fix a limit on the amount of transfer fees. Continental Tour It was decided to ask the Danish Authorities what guarantee they were prepared to offer to play 3 matches in Copenhagen in May. The Chairman reported that he had an offer of £900 to play 3 matches in Barcelona but before deciding anything definite Secy. was instructed to enquire of the F. A. & Dundee F. C. as to quality of football played &c. Cricket Pitches It was decided to renew the tenancy of Pitches B & C to Oakfield Athletic Club for next Season & to let the A team ground to St. Domingo Bible Class at a rental of £20. Elliott It was reported that this member of the Staff had canvassed certain members of the Board regarding a benefit. As the Directors did not approve of his action, it was decided he be instructed to appear before the Board at their next meeting. Glover (New Brighton) Secy. reported that the club may be prepared to part with this player at a transfer fee of about £1000. It was decided that the Chairman & Mr. J. Sharp watch him play on Sat. next & if satisfied to have full powers to negotiate for his transfer.