				[Meeting of Directors held at the
				Midland Adelphi Hotel Liverpool
				on Tuesday 27th Novr. 1923]

		Present	Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors.

Finance			The gate v Blackburn Rovers Res. was reported
		to be £54.6.8 gross	Tax £13.11.8
			Bank Balance £775.14.5 Dr.
		Cheques were signed for the following:
		Collector of Customs & Excise	Enterts. Tax	 £13.11.8
		Walton Nursing Fund		  Donation	 £ 2. 2.0
		T. H. McIntosh			 Wages & Exs.	£270. 0.0
		     do				   Salary	 £41.13.4

Reports of Matches 	Reports were received of the matches v
		W. Bromwich 0-5, Blackburn Rovers Res. 4-0 & N. Brighton Res. 3-4.

Doctor's Report		Dr. C. Baxter reported Rooney & Macdonald unfit.
		Downs would be better for a further week's rest and
		McGrae fit to play.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected:-
		v Birmingham (h) 1st prox.
		Fern, Raitt, Livingstone, Brown, McBain, Hart, Chedgzoy,
		Irvine, Cock, Chadwick & Troup. Res. Williams.
		v Huddersfield Town Res. (a)
		Harland, Caddick, Helsby, Peacock, Reid, Grenyer, Parry
		(F.), Swindells, Parry (H.), Wall, Harrison. Res. Weller.
		v Hoylake
		  Left to Staff.

Director to Huddersfield Mr. W. C. Gibbins. H. Makepeace & J. Fare also to go.

Reports re Players 	Messrs A. R. Wade &  J. Sawyer reported this match
Bury v Leicester not played through fog, but stated that the Bury club
		were not prepared to part with Bullock nor Leicester City
		with Chandler & that the latter club would only give
		for Harrison what we paid them for him.