Price (Barry)		Mr W J Wallace reported favorably on this
		player & it was decided that J Fare watch him
		again on Sat next.

Lawson (Wallasey U) 	Mr H Halliday reported that this player
		was very promising & that he would watch him again.

Winn (Bradford City) 	H Makepeace gave a fair report & it was
		decided he watch him again tomorrow.

Crown (S Shields) 	Messrs A R Wade & W. C. Gibbins reported that this
		player had given a good report display v Oldham
		& was worth consideration.

Bullock (Bury)		Secy stated that he had ascertained that
		this player followed an employment in addition to
		playing for Bury.

Wilson (M'bro)		Secy reported he had heard nothing further
		re this player & he was instructed to ask the M'bro
		F.C. to let us know something definite at once.

Knight (Bolwell Mission) Letter read from club giving us permission
		to approach this player. Agreed to write asking
		if he would come & play trial on 24th inst.

New Stand		Letter read from Mr A Leitch re suggested
		increase in price of materials. It was decided
		to go fully into the matter at our meeting on
		the 20th inst.

Doctors Report re McBain Mr T Guthries report on this player's condition
		was read.

Downs			Letter read from Swansea F.C. re this player.
		Secy stated he had replied that player was at
		present unfit but that he thought a fee of
		£750 would be accepted for his transfer & his action
		was confirmed.

Harrison		Letter read from Preston N.E. offering £1000
		for this player. Decided to reply that if this
		was their best offer, it was no use continuing