Reports re Players Mr J Fare reported very favorably on this Crown (S Shields) player & it was decided that Secy proceed to S Shields to enquire as to possibility of transfer. Birks (Port Vale) H Makepeace reported unfavorably on this player. Bullock (Bury) J Fare reported very favorably on this player. Gardner (Ashington) D Kirkwood reported favorably on this player & Secy was instructed to enquire if club would part & transfer fee required. Jones (Rhos) Mr H Halliday reported that the former Griffiths (Rhyl) was not good enough for us but that the latter was very promising. Freeman (M'bro) Letter read from Mbro FC. Decided that Secy proceed to M'bro with a view of offering to transfer Raitt in exchange for Freeman or failing him, Maitland & also to make enquiries re Birrell. Preston N.E. Letter read from this club asking if we had any forwards to part with. It was decided to offer them Forbes & Wall in exchange for Woodhouse & failing that, the question of also offering Miller was considered. If a cash deal the following fees were fixed viz Forbes (£1000), Wall (£500). The matter of interviewing the P.N.E. officials on this basis was left in hands of Chairman & Secy. Hospital Saty Fund It was agreed to nominate the Chairman as a member of this Committee. Leave It was agreed to grant McBain leave from after Notts match away until following Friday & Grenyer from after Sheffield match until same day. Lpool Hospital Cup The Secys action in arranging for our ground for Semi final tie of this cup on 31st inst was confirmed.