Shares for Sale Secy reported that the 3 shares held by the late J. P. Donoghue were for sale. Mr W J Sawyer offered to negotiate for same. Use of Ground Applications having been received it was agreed to offer use of Townsend Lane ground to the following. L'pool Central Combination & Lpool C of E League. Williamson & Voysey Letter read offering us these players (Arsenal) for £1500 & £2000 respectively. Decided to take no action at present. Insurance Secy reported a call of 21/- per player by F.L. Mutual Insce Federation. Decided to support suggestion that in future assistance should be granted from the League Funds in respect of future losses. Lpool Senior Cup Secy reported that we had been drawn against Liverpool at home. Decided that date of match be allowed to stand over at present. Players to watch Secy was instructed to have the following players watched by the Staff. Hannah & Dunlop (left wing) Glasgow Pertshire Tarrant (FB.) Hoylake Ellison (FB) Prescot Wire Works Dixon (CF) Halifax Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held on Tuesday 7th Novr at 6.30 pm Confirmed W. C. Cuff Chairman