[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Monday 24th Septr 1923] Present Messrs E Green (Chair), H Banks, A Coffey, W. J. Sawyer, Dr J C Baxter, J Sharp & A R Wade. Minutes The Minutes of meetings held on the 11th, 13th & 19th inst were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported. Sep 19 Gate v Aston Villa gross £880.13.6 Tax £180.15.7 20% £101.9.8 & ½% £3.5.1 " 22 Gate v Huddersfield gross £2089.8.1 Tax £440.12.7 20% £246.4.8 ½% £7.19.6 20% from Aston Villa £111.17.4 do from Blackburn Rovers £138.5.11 Bank Balance £2974.10.2 Dr Cheques were signed for the following:- Collector of Customs & Excise Enterts Tax £621.8.2 Aston Villa FC 20% £101.9.8 Huddersfield Town FC do £246.4.8 Football League ½% £3.5.1 do do £7.19.6 T H McIntosh Wages £280.0.0 Bury F.C. ½ net gate £75.4.10 Lancashire FA 20% £35.17.9 Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v H'field 1-1 & Ormskirk 0-1 Doctor & Trainer's The only player reported unfit was Report Williams. Booked Seats Secy reported that the whole of the seats in Block F had been booked up for match v Lpool on 6th prox. It was decided not to book any more.