v Burnley (h) 3rd Sept
Decided to select this team just before
the match.
Arrangements v Secy reported that as the match on 5th
Bradford City Res Sept commenced at 6 pm. it would be necessary
to stay overnight. Arrangements to do so
were left in hands of Secy.
Directors to Nottm. Messrs A Coffey, E Green & A R Wade
Masseur Letter read from R H Cook offering to
attend on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
& Sunday mornings for £2.2.0 per week. It was
decided to engage him subject to references
from Sir Robt Jones & Dr Broad being satisfactory.
Everton Challenge Messrs A R Wade & Secy reported on their
Shield interview with Messrs Oldfield Ld whose offer to
renovate this shield at a cost of £22.3.6 was
Complimentary Ticket It was agreed to issue A Billinge with
a Season Ticket (ex Soldier wounded).
Kick off v It was decided to fix Kick off v Aston
Aston Villa Villa on the 19th prox. at 3.15.
Report re Rigg Mr J Fare reported that this player had
(Nelson) played well v Clapton Orient & was very promising.
Decided to ask the club if they were prepared
to part & if so, the fee required.
McColgan It was decided to ask the Albion Rovers
F.C. if they were prepared to let us have this
player on a month's trial & also what fee
would be required if he proved satisfactory.
J. Craig An application from this man for a
re engagement was not entertained.
Melly Cup Final It was decided that at present we could not offer
the Lpool Shipping League a date so far ahead
as April for use of Goodison Park for this match.