		in 1st Rd. The matter of arranging a suitable date
		was left in hands of Secy.

Carpet			It was decided to purchase the Turkey
		Square for Tea Room from Waring & Gillow at
		a cost of £31.15.0.

Next Meeting		Tuesday 28th inst at Goodison Park at
		6.30 p.m.
						W. C. Cuff

			[Special Meeting of Directors held at
			Exchange Station Hotel Liverpool on
			Friday 24th August 1923.]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr J. Sharp.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected
		v Notts Forest (h) 25th inst
		Fern, Raitt, Macdonald, Peacock, McBain
		Hart, Chedgzoy, Irvine, Forbes, Chadwick, Troup
		Res Weller.
		v P.N.E. Res (a)
		Harland, Downs, Livingstone, Brown, Reid, Grenyer,
		Parry, Miller, Virr, Wall, Harrison, Res Caddick
		v Marine (a)
		Left to Staff but Duthie, McGrae & Rooney to play.

						W. C. Cuff