that if he proved satisfactory, he be re-signed at £4 per week. T Fleetwood It was decided to make application to the Football League for accrued share of a £650 benefit for this player & amount to be paid on receiving the League's Sanction. Benefit It was also decided to apply for permission to pay W Brown £350 benefit, the application to be deferred until later on. Refreshment Tickets It was decided to discontinue the issue of refreshment tickets for patrons of Directors Box. Covers for Seats It was agreed to accept the estimate of Messrs Howard of £9.17.6 for supplying 3 covers for seats in Directors Box. Players to Watch It was decided that J Fare watch Cherrett of Portsmouth on Sat next if playing & failing him to watch Sherwood (fullback) of Fleetwood. Transfer of Shares The transfer of the following was approved Exors W H Burge to Hilda May Clayton 3 shares Nos. 1450-1452. Income Tax Assessment Secy reported that this had now been reduced to £2150 net and it was decided to agree to same subject to our reserving ourselves the right to appeal, should the circumstances arise. Home Office Letter It was agreed that Secy answer the questions asked re the control & management of spectators. Cyclists Carnival Decided to grant a donation of £3.3.0 to these funds. Sykes A.F.C. The action of Mr H Banks & Secy in accepting the offer of this Club of £10 for a pitch in Townsend Lane on alternative Wednesdays during Season 1923-24 was approved. Liverpool Senior Secy reported that the FA had agreed Cup to our proposal re this competition and that we had been drawn against L'pool Res. at home