Unemployed An application from the Distress Committee for a donation was not entertained. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of shares was approved T J East to Richd Richmond 2 shares No 2372 & 1743. Indemnities regarding the loss of certificates held by Francis Riley decd & James Riley were received & it was decided to issue certificates for the 6 shares in James Riley's name. Picnic Arrangements An itinerary of these arrangements submitted by Thos Cook & Son was approved. Carlton Billiard A letter from T A Cole was read asking Rooms if our players would meet the Lpool players in a Billiard match in Sept on the occasion of the opening of these rooms. This was agreed to. Fleetwood The Chairman reported an offer made by Mr D G Ashworth on behalf of the Oldham Athletic F.C. of £750 for this players transfer, the amount to be paid in two instalments viz half on 30th Octr & half on 30th Novr & interest on the money at the rate of 5% to be paid. It was stated that the player would be entitled to an accrued share of benefit of about £300. It was agreed to accept this offer & to give the Club permission to approach. Band Letter read from Harland & Wolffs Band that they were prepared to accept the engagement at £4.4.0 per match, but to be relieved on 8th Septr. This was agreed to & Secy was asked to arrange for another band on 8th Septr. Compy Tickets Agreed to grant P Murphy (ex soldier) a Season Ticket, also J Yewdale (Thos Cook & Son) & J Taylor (Housing Committee). Lpool Senior Cup Agreed that the Secy attend meeting on 17th inst along with Mr A R Wade.