[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park on Tuesday 31st October 1922] Present Mr W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of Directors meeting held on the 24th & Finance Committee meeting on the 26th inst were read & confirmed. Finance The gate receipts v Notts Forest were reported to be £1600.5.2 gross, Tax £343.8.5, 20% £194.3.5, ½% £6.0.3 The 20% from Notts Forest was £111.1.4 Repayment of Gas a/c by City Caterers £1.12.5 Bank Balance £4889.18.5 Dr Cheques were signed for the following:- Collector of Customs & Excise Enterts Tax £343.8.5 Nottingham Forest F.C. 20% £194.3.5 Football League ½% £6.0.3 Linfield Football Club Transfer Fee £1500.0.0 T H McIntosh Salary £41.13.4 do Wages &c £320.0.0 Football League Mutual Insce Fedn. Call £33.12.0 Liverpool F.C. Collection £25.16.2 do Inman Fund Donation £10.10.0 Barrow A F.C. Donation Wardropper Fund £5.5.0 Harland Mr A. Coffey reported that the deputation had signed this goalkeeper on at £6 per week + £1 extra when playing in 1st Team & transfer fee to Linfield FC of £1500. Action confirmed. favorably Morgan Messrs A. Coffey, W. J. Sawyer & Secy reported (Linfield) on w.c.c. this player who ought to be seen again. Reports of matches Reports were received of the matches v Notts F 4-2, Burnley Res 2-5 & L'pool University 0-1