British Olympic		It was agreed to give a donation of
Games		Fifty Guineas to this Fund.

Annual Picnic		It was decided to hold the Annual
		Picnic on Sat 18th inst & Secy was instructed
		to arrange with Thos Cook & Son for a journey
		to Keswick & Ullswater.

A Team Practices	It was decided to have one practice
		match at Townsend Lane & one at Goodison Park.

Chedgzoy		It was left in hands of Chairman
		to interview this player on certain financial

Duthie J.		It was agreed on the recommendation
(Vale of Leithen) of Mr W J Sawyer to give this player a trial
		on 15th inst

Painting		Mr H Banks was granted permission
		to have certain painting work carried out
		on the stands.

Travelling		It was decided that in future the
Arrangements	travelling arrangements be left in the hands
		of Thos Cook & Son & supervised by Secy.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Augt 14th at 6.30 pm at
		Goodison Park.

						W. C. Cuff