than 1 additional complimentary ticket for Press Stand to a player. Income Tax Letter read from Authorities stating Assessment that our Assessment under Schedule A had been fixed at £2700 gross & £2246.15.0 net and asking for us to agree to these figures. Decided not to reply before Augt 31st & if in meantime the Authorities press the matter, the Secy to confer with Chairman. Tickets for Wounded It was decided to re-issue complimentary Ex-Soldiers tickets for next Season for the Paddock for J Whitfield & W Moorcroft. Fleetwood FC ) Applications from these clubs for financial Gt Harwood F.C ) assistance in the way of subsidies were not entertained. Northern Nomads An application from this club for a friendly fixture was agreed to & left in hands of Secy to arrange. Armitt Testimonial An application for us to play a match for this testimonial was not entertained. Fleetwood An offer of £400 from Oldham Athletic FC for this player's transfer was not entertained. Williams W D. Letter read from Stoke FC asking if we were prepared to part with this player. Decided to reply in negative. Transfer of Shares The following transfers were approved. Robt John Madden to James Lunt Stephenson 3 shares 2342 & 545, 546. A. J. Ullathorne to Harold Ullathorne 3 shares 2427, 749 & 750. Runcorn F.C. An application from this club for a match on their ground was agreed to & date suggested was Septr 19th, they to pay our expenses. Urinals Sanitary notices having been received to provide drains to urinals at N. end of Bullens Rd. Mr H Banks reported that he had instructed Mr C R Harris to proceed with the work. Approved