[Meeting of Directors held at the Exchange Station Hotel Liverpool on Friday 22nd June 1923.] Present Mr W C Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr J Sharp. Minutes The Minutes of Meetings held on the 1st & 8th inst. were read & confirmed. Election of Officers Mr W. C. Cuff was re-elected Chairman & &c Mr E Green Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. Both gentlemen thanked their colleagues for the honour. New Players Secy reported that Maitland had now signed for M'bro. Cowan (Dundee) was likely to be transferred & he had asked price required. McColgan (Albion Rovers) - This player was on offer at £2000. Decided nothing could be done until we had seen him play. Cherrett (Portsmouth) - This player was on offer at £1250. Same decision as re McColgan. Ellel (Darwen) - Agreed to offer this player a trial. Turnbull (Bradford) No reply received from Club. Dixon (Halifax) & Sykes (Wednesday) No action taken. Lawn Mower The question of the purchase of a small lawn mower was brought forward & it was agreed to accept the Chairman's offer to let us have his at £2 if suitable. Wigan Boro F.C. Secy was instructed to write this club that unless the amount of £334 was paid at once. We should apply to the League for permission to sue them for same.