			[Meeting of Sub Committee held
			at Goodison Park on Friday
			8th June 1923.]

		Present Messrs H Banks (Chair), A Coffey & A R Wade.
		Mr W J Sawyer apologised for his non attendance.

Painting		The tenders for painting as for the
		Specification attached hereto were opened & were
		found to be as follows:-

Name			  No 1		  No 2		No 3		  No 4		  No 5
Haugh & Pilling					     £1170. 0.0
W Moss & Sons Ld	£1516.0.0	£860.10.0	£53.15.0	£1420.0.0	£79.10.0
W Hall & Sons Ld				     £1116.10.0
Trollope & Colls Ld				     £1371. 0.0
J Henshaw & Sons Ld	£1472.0.0	£  40.0.0	£  14. 0.0	£1313.0.0	£ 95.0.0
Tyson & Co		£ 990.0.0	£  36.0.0	£  30. 0.0	£ 946.0.0	£ 95.0.0
Brown & Backhouse Ld	£1490.0.0	£  47.0.0	£  19. 0.0	£1350.0.0	£103.0.0
Cottrell & Co		£1353.0.0	£  39.0.0	£  29. 0.0	£1259.0.0	£ 93.0.0
Tippin Bros		£ 940.0.0	£ 145.0.0	£  20. 0.0	£ 870.0.0	£ 75.0.0
W Clarkson		£1070.3.6	£ 420.0.0	£  15.15.0	£  90.0.0	£ 59.1.6
C R Harris		£2573.0.0	£1959.0.0	£  43. 0.0	£2508.0.0	£276.0.0
J Sanders & Co Ld	£3368.0.0	£1780.0.0	£  20. 0.0	£3082.0.0	£145.0.0
Jones Bros		£1100.0.0	£ 670.0.0	£  40. 0.0	£1030.0.0	£ 75.0.0

			It was decided that the tenders of Messrs
		Tippin Bros for Nos 1, 3 & 5 amounting to a
		total of £1035.0.0 be accepted, and the
		supervision of the work was left in the hands
		of Mr Banks assisted by the Staff. It was
       W.C.C.	stipulated that the work be complete by the
		28th July next.
						W. C. Cuff