Preston NE		Secy reported that this club had again
		applied for Grenyer, but it was decided that we
		would not part with him. They had also
		enquired re Fazackerley & it was decided to
		offer him at £1500. It was also decided to
		ask if they were prepared to part with Woodhouse.

L'pool Senior Cup	Secy was instructed to attend at the
		draw which would take place at L'pool

Players for Transfer	This question was discussed & it was
		proposed to place the following players on
		transfer list viz Brewster (£1500), Fazackerley (£1500),
		Alford (£600), Moffat (£500), McGrae (£250) & Young (£300)
		but lists not to be sent until certain negotiations
		with Preston N.E. Rotherham County & Airdrieonians
		had been carried out.

McDougall (Airdrie)	Mr E Green suggested that we might ask
		the Club if they would be prepared to accept
		Brewster & a sum of money for this players
		transfer & this was agreed to.

Wedding Present		It was decided to make W Brown
		a Wedding present up to the value of £20
		subject to the consent of the League being

Edmonds			Secy reported that this player had
		gone home without leave & that he had
		pointed out to him that it would serve
		no good purpose if he returned. Action confirmed.

Bennett (Notts F)	Secy reported that he had enquired if
		club were prepared to part with this goalkeeper.

Next Meeting		Ordered that next meeting be held at
		Goodison Park on Tuesday next at 6.30 pm

					    W. C. Cuff