SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING AT GOODISON PARK WALTON LIVERPOOL GOODISON ROAD DOUBLE DECK STAND Prepare & paint with 2 coats of best oil paint in approved colors, the whole of the woodwork & ironwork to underside of roof, including all columns, principals, girders, stays, partitions, bolts, window divisions, underside and outside of skylight over corridors, all steel work & woodwork to Staircases, passages, W.Cs. Lavatories etc, all steel work under ground decker, refreshment counters staircases etc including the boarded fence at base of Stand and all doors windows & gutters and spouting of outside of actual Stand facing Goodison Road Clean out all gutters and paint 2 coats inside and out also outside of all downspouts. The whole of the Ironwork must be thoroughly scraped with steel Brushes and painted with 2 coats of Graphite of approved colors, the second coat not to be applied before the first coat is perfectly dry. No signs or Lettering to be included. Separate estimate for the whole of the principals, girders, and iron trellis work in front of Stand with 2 coats of graphite after being thoroughly scraped and cleaned with steel Brushes. Entrance & Exit Doors in Goodison Place & Goodison Road other than these belonging to Stand, Prepare & Paint 2 coats best oil paint of approved colors the whole of the woodwork & ironwork of these including both sides of doors a and gates where open to weather. Separate estimate for whole of No I, except outside of Stand facing Goodison Road. The Graphite to be used on ironwork must be obtained from P. Morris & CO. Corporation Road Birkenhead. Main Office, Board Room, Billiard Room & Passages Prepare & paint the ceilings & Friezes 2 coats of White finished in flatting & all windows to be painted 2 coats & grained as before W.C. ceiling & cistern & boarding to be prepared and painted 2 coats or stained & varnished as before. Walls of Billiard Room and partition to W.C. to be washed down cleaned and polished. Walls of Board Room to be washed down cleaned and finished Egg Shell gloss.