[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel on Friday 1st June 1923] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E Green, A Coffey, H Banks, Dr J c Baxter, W J Sawyer & A R Wade. Minutes The Minutes of Directors meeting held on the 18th ult & Annual General Meeting held on the 25th ult were read & confirmed. Election of Chairman It was agreed to allow these matters & Committees to be left over until next meeting. League & FA The Chairman gave a report on the Meetings business transacted at these meetings in London. Fixtures The fixtures as arranged in London were confirmed as was also Secys action in asking Burnley to alter date of our home match from 3rd to 5th Septr. Painting It was decided that the estimates for painting be gone into by a sub-committee comprising Messrs H Banks, A Coffey, W J. Sawyer & A R Wade with full powers to accept the whole or any portion of same. FA Council It was decided to nominate Mr H H Hughes for Division 3. Wigan Borough FC Chairman reported that this Club had promised to pay balance of Spencer's transfer fee within 10 days. Lancashire FA Decided that Secy represent club at Annual Meeting at Blackpool on 2nd June & he was instructed to vote for reversion to the knock out system for Lancashire Cup. Transfer of Shares - The transfer of 3 shares No 712, 713 & 2321 from B M & Thos Oxford to Thomas Oxford was approved.