		the rates, unanimously adopted.

C. E. Dickinson		The Chairman referred to the fact that
		since our last Annual Meeting, Mr Dickinson
		had died, and a vote of condolence with the
		Widow was passed, the whole of those present

Dividend		Mr E Green proposed & Mr A Coffey seconded
		that a dividend of 5% free of Income Tax be
		paid on the paid up capital of the Company
		for the year ending 5th May 1923 & this was carried.

Election of		No nominations having been received,
Directors	the Chairman declared Messrs H Banks, W C Gibbins
		& W J Sawyer re-elected. Mr W C Gibbins briefly
		thanked the Shareholders on behalf of himself
		& his colleagues.

Auditors		On the proposition of Mr R W Williams seconded
		by Mr H W Richardson, the Auditors Messrs T Theo. Rogers
		Bowler & Co were re-elected unanimously at a
		fee of Fifty Guineas.

Vote of Thanks		Mr C. Wright proposed & Mr W Beatty seconded
		a hearty vote of thanks to the Directors for their
		services & this having been carried, the Chairman
		returned thanks & declared the ordinary business
		of the meeting at an end.

New Stand		The Chairman mentioned that the question
		of the erection of a New Stand in Bullens Rd.
		had been considered & estimates obtained. A
		model of same was shown & Mr A Leitch explained
		the proposals. The approval of the Shareholders
		to the scheme was asked for & heartily given
		& the Chairman stated that the work may be
		proceeded with next year.
							W. C. Cuff