			[Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
			held at the Law Association Rooms, 14
			Cook St. Liverpool on Thursday 24th
			May 1923]

		Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E Green, H Banks
		A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, W J Sawyer, A R Wade &
		J Sharp (Directors) & a fairly large number of

			The Secretary read the notice convening
		the meeting.

Press			It was agreed that the Members of the
		Press be admitted.

Accounts & Balance	On the motion of the Chairman, seconded 
	Sheet	by Mr W Barnes it was decided that the
		Balance Sheet be taken as read.

Directors Report 	The Secretary having read the Auditor's
		Report, the Chairman went on to give his report,
		after going over the various increases & decreases
		of the items of income & expenditure, he stated
		that after a poor opening caused by injuries
		& sickness the teams had finished up the
		season exceptionally well & the Directors had
		every confidence that the club would do well
		next Season. He congratulated the Liverpool
		Club on their winning the League for the second
		season in succession & also mentioned the co-option
		of Mr J Sharp on the Board & also congratulated
		this gentlemen on his appointment to the
		Captaincy of the Lancashire C.C.
			On the proposition of the Chairman
		seconded by Mr E Green the balance sheet &
		report were, after a slight explanation regarding