							The Everton Football Club Company Limited.
							   BALANCE SHEET AS AT 5th MAY, 1923.

						  £   s. d.  £  s. d.								  £  s.  d.		  £  s.  d.
	Nominal Capital £2500, in 2500 Shares					Freehold Land, including Freehold
	  of £1 each..........................	2500  0  0			  Messuages Nos. 2 to 48 Gwladys
		  				----------			  Street, Nos. 4 to 32 and 1 to 23
        Issued Capital--							  Goodison Avenue, and 2 to 10 Goodison    
	   2210 Shares issued and allotted on					  Road, at cost  .......................				25460 14  3
		which 15/- per Share has
		been called and paid up ....	1657 10  0			Stands, Hoardings and Erections at
	    290 Bonus Shares issued and 					  Goodison Park, as at 6th May,1922	                5146  3  6
		allotted to Old Members	.... 	 290  0  0	                Less 10% now written off for							
										  depreciation......................................     514  12 6	 4631 11  0
																	-----------	------------
	  ------																	30092  5  3
	   2500									Less Mortgage to London Joint City and                                      
 	  				  	-----------	1947  10  0	  Midland Bank, Ltd., for amount of 
	  ------								  Overdraft.........................................			 2629  1  0 
																			27463  4  3

										Sundry, Debtors as valued by the Directors				 2034  8  10
	Sundry Creditors ..................................... 1166   9  9	Sundry Deposits ....................................			   18 15   0
	Unclaimed Dividends ..................................   97   5  5	London Joint City & Midland Bank, Ltd,
	Balance to Credit of Profit and Loss Account .........28859   5  8	  Dividend A/c .....................................			   97  5   5
										Investment £2500 1929/47 5% War Loan
											at Cost ........................................2375 0  0
											5 % National War Bonds at Cost .................  65 0  0
											Cash in hand.........................		-----------	 2440  0   0
																			   16 17   4
							      --------------									        --------------

							      £32070  10 10                                                                            £32070 10  10 
			Signed on behalf of the Board,  W. C. Cuff   }
						        W. J. Sawyer } Directors							THOS. H. McINTOSH, Secretary.

	We have examined the accounts of the Company, and the above Balance Sheet, and, in accordance with the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, 
					have addressed a separate report thereon to the shareholders.
											T. THEO. ROGERS, BOWLER & CO.,
												Chartered Accountants.
		11th MAY, 1923.