Freeman Secy reported that this player had now signed for Middlesbro & read letter from player. Maitland Secy reported that fee now asked for this player was £3000 clear. Instructed to reply that fee was too big, but Chairman & Secy were given powers to offer up to £2000. Turnbull Chairman & Secy were also given powers to negotiate for this player's transfer up to £2000. Duncan Walker Secy was instructed to ascertain transfer fee required for this player. Lockhead Secy reported that this player had been offered at £3000. Decided not to entertain same. Police It was agreed to grant the use of the Practice ground for 1 month for training for Police Tug of War Team, subject to satisfactory arrangements being made with groundsman. Staff Holidays This matter was left in hands of Mr H Banks & Secy Wigan Boro FC Secy reported that this club had not paid balance of Spencer's transfer fee. He was instructed to write the club pointing out that if same was not paid next week matter would be reported to League. J Sharp Secy was instructed to write letter of sympathy with this Director in his illness. Townsend Lane Gd The action of Secy in applying for a further 5 years agreement was confirmed. Next Meeting Exchange Station Hotel Thurs 24th inst at 5.30 It was decided to ask Mr A Leitch to attend Annual Meeting in New Stand Confirmed W C Cuff Chairman