Collection on It was agreed to allow a collection in Ground aid of the Widow & family of - Inman (Killed on the Lpool ground) on our ground on Sat next- the Secy to make the necessary arrangements. Alford Mr M Parry Manager of the Rotherham County F.C. appeared & asked if we could let them have on outside left. It was decided to offer this player at £600. He stated he would consult his Board & let us know. Jackson The Wrexham FC having applied to us for this players services, it was decided to grant them his transfer conditionally upon their signing an agreement to let us have him back at end of season if required. England v Ireland Mr A. Coffey gave a report on this match & reported favorably on Harland (Goal) & Morgan (HB) of the Irish team. Telegram was read offering these players at £2500 & £1200 respectively. Decided that Messrs A Coffey, W J Sawyer & Secy watch them play on Sat next & if satisfied to enter into negotiations for their transfers but at a sum less than that asked. Reports re Players Mr J Craig reported that this player Gibson (Ayr) had played a useful game but that he would like to see him again. Rigg (Nelson) Mr W Green reported very favorably on this player & it was decided that Mr J. Fare watch him again on Sat next. Childs & Popplewell Messrs W C Gibbins & J Fare reported (Accrington) unfavorably on these players. Voysey, Toner The Chairman & Messrs J Sharp & H Makepeace Henderson (Arsenal) reported on Voysey (moderate), Toner (poor), Henderson & Handley (Spurs) & Handley good. Copy of letter to Sir Henry Norris relating to a proposed exchange of